20 Things Dermatologists Want You to Know About Your Skin




Thanks to the old wives tales online trending & well-meaning friends, that you get heaps of skin care advice being thrown around— but not all of it is GOOD and nor is TRUE . In fact, following everything or anything of this “advice” can actually be damaging to your skin and health.

These said advices are majorly base upon a long going myth and experiment over particular person that is completely subjective and holds ‘NO’ significance for everyone to follow.

With many a times due to contradicting information, we often see us in the dark on what is FACT vs. FICTION. With the virtue of the choices dermatologist/Aesthetician in line, we discovered common skin care claims that might leave you surprised & to know exactly why they don’t hold up to pursue.

Find out the secrets the beauty industry doesn’t want you to know.\n\nSee our findings below, plus, get expert’s ADVICE for what you should be doing instead.\n\n \n

Myth: Wearing makeup regularly will make you age faster

Truth: This is again a folk tale, passed on by word of mouth. Makeup junkies can get out of the horror of imagining themselves in far-future because as long as you properly remove your makeup daily or before going to bed and following up with a consistent cleansing routine!” it is not going to prompt aging.

Makeup, alone will not make you age faster. In fact, so many double-duty makeup products actually protect, revitalize and enhance your skin while you’re wearing them!

However, if you don’t take off your make-up before bed, you’re not leaving only the makeup, but the oil, dirt, and germs your skin accumulated over the course of the day—which is what really, steadily causes aging.

Take a sigh of relief as, you can keep wearing all the makeup, all day long, without having to worry—as long as you remove it from your face at the end of the day.

Myth: Anti-aging products (or “wrinkle creams”) can remove fine lines, wrinkles

Truth: Anti-aging serums or wrinkle free creams simply do not reverse aging or remove signs of ageing—”Nothing is magic.”. The main function of most wrinkle-lift creams is to simply hydrate skin, plumping it out and making it look smoother & younger temporarily. So don’t purchase into the ‘puff of publicity’.

However, there is one product that has a solid history and stature for reversing fine lines, that is— topical retinoid.\n\nCommonly sold under the name “Tretinoin” or “Retinol”, these lotions or drops perforate the skin and build up for larger skin cell turnover.

Medical Researchers have deduced them to be fairly effective at treating sun damaged skin, acne, reversing the effects of photo aging or, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

It is possible to purchase some retinoid over the counter, but a doctor’s prescription is needed for greater strength.\n\nWe also recommend using an antioxidant cream containing vitamin C but be cautions that these creams are likely to destabilize very quickly. So they must be bought from a prestigious company.

Myth: Anything marked “Natural” or “Chemical-Free” should be superior for you than other kinds of skin care products

Truth: Just because something appears from earth does not mean it will work for all the earthlings. “This certainly depends on the individual. In order to find what correct n suitable for you is, you should have a proper skin consultation with a trained, experienced and/or licensed dermatologist/ skin specialist/ professional. Also, things like ‘chemical’ peels can still be from natural ingredients and quite approving for all skin types.”

It’s all about the skin type, suitability & selectiveness when deciding what ingredients to put on your skin. There is no concrete proof that parabens and preservatives in skin care are damaging to your skin or body. For a fact, without preservatives, cosmetics & skin care are more defenseless against the growth of growth of bacteria, pathogen, yeast, mettle.

Should you prefer to head the natural route? Make sure to pay close consciousness to expiration dates on your products, because natural products don’t last as long as the substitutes.

Myth: Luxury Skin Care Brands are best for Better Skin Security

Truth: “This is simply a misconception,” and that not every expensive skin product is workable for any skin needs or are worth splurging on. There are a range of mass market products that are more effective and skin-friendly than the popular and the expensive drugstore moisturizers and sunscreen for skin care regimen.”

Also it is worth noting that most active ingredients found in cosmetic products and anti-aging creams are similar, whether they are formulated by high-end, imported beauty-aid boutique or domestic drug manufacturer. A hefty price tag, specifically in case of beauty products, doesn’t always ensure a product will be more effective, or even that it has different ingredients than what you could find in alternative drugstore equivalents.

That said, it is not binding that expensive skin care products cannot be good, they of course are. It\’s just that you can get something similar for a lot less.

“The best way to choose a skin-care product for you is to look at the kind and concentration of ingredients first and the producer second.” Though “If you want to invest in the timeless feel, fragrance, and package,”, “that\’s totally your call.”

Myth: Sunscreen is not needed anywhere except in SUN

\nTruth: Be it a cloudy day, or under CFL inside your house, UV radiation makes sure to reach the earth\’s surface. So, make it a ritual to use sunscreen after swimming or sweating and every day, whether or not out is sun.

Also, don\’t get victimized to the misconception that you\’re protected because you\’re wearing makeup with an SPF. If the elite experts for skin type solutions be regarded as reality, you would have to put on at least 15 times the amount of makeup than a normal person would wear, to reach the SPF on the label of foundation, powdered makeup or liquid makeup.

Make sure to apply sunscreen in addition to your makeup. Furthermore, forget other ingredients asserting to be the newest anti-ageing miracle – sunscreen is one crucial product in protecting your skin from the effects of ageing and the majority of the signs we link to skin ageing – pigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, freckles or brown spots/sunspots – occur due to sun-exposure.

Myth: The Higher the SPF, the Greater the sun protection.

Truth: There has been a major myth going around of higher SPF content sunscreen lotions to provide better protection to skin against sun rays. However, it is important to know that there are 3 kinds of ultraviolet (UV) rays: UVA, UVB and UVC. These rays affect the skin differentially. UVA rays spike the skin fairly deeply, tweaking your pigmentation to produce a tan.

UVB rays are the chief sunburn rays that are also the cause of harming your skin\’s DNA and trigger Pigment Alterations, Photo aging, and Cancerous Tumors. UVC rays are ingested by the atmosphere and don\’t make it to the land.

The SPF on a sunscreen indicates the amount of protection the product provides from the UVB rays or sun rays that cause sun burns and other perils to the skin. Many sunscreens, thence, require offering protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

Broad spectrum is in reference to protection against UVA and UVB. Look for an SPF of at least 15 and one of the following constituents: avobenzone (Parsol 1789), mexoryl, oxybenzone for UVA protection, or titanium dioxide.

Myth: Moisturizing skin is not needed if you have oily skin

Truth: Another NO necessarily claims. Most cleansers tend to strip off the natural oils from your skin, so you will require replacing that protective layer. If you actually seek to skip steps, try an oil cleanser, like micellar water. It will keep your skin’s pH intact; hence (for some skin types), you won’t necessitate to apply additional product.

”Despite what your skin type is—oily and acne-prone or dry and dehydrated—you require to be using some type of moisturizer, leaving your skin balanced and nourished. Factually, the differences remain in the kind and amount of moisturizer your skin demands.

While oily skin needs the least amount of moisture, a moisturizer is still essential for hydrating & nourishing the skin. When deciding on a moisturizer, a lighter product, “like a hydrating serum or a light lotion versus a heavy cream is recommended.”

Myth: Washing/Bathing with hot water will open up the pores for a better clean.

Truth: “Alert! Alert! We warn you to NOT wash your face with hot water. Yes, steam will definitely open your pores, but using hot water not only will loosen your skin but will have it dried out. Use a hot towel or allow your pores open up in the shower. It doesn’t have to be hurtful to work.

You don’t need to thunderbolt your face with freezing cold water or burst it up with hot water, but a normal or lukewarm—not hot—temperature is fine. Although a steamy, hot shower or rinse might feel appeasing, it could harm your skin by stripping it of its natural, protective barrier and drying it out. An ideal way to tell if the water you’re cleansing or bathing with is too hot? If your skin gets red or heated after rinsing, the water you used was too hot.

Myth: It’s better to get the pus out of a pimple by popping it

Truth: “Though it feels really calming to pop out [the pus], but the fact is a lot of it just goes in deeper”. “And when it travels in deeper, it causes more inflammation that can result in scarring and ultimately a lasting mark and spread under the skin. That\’s the reason you get another one close to the first one a few days later.” People please stop picking your faces.

But if you really cannot refrain from, ensure to do it the right way. Don\’t nip ad slide out the pimple. Instead, use something like a neem stem’s liquid to dry it out and once it’s dried, it would come off eventually. You can also use a tool called a comedone extractor – cheap tool you can buy at most cosmetic supply stores. Firmly apply pressure with the extractor; then roll it across the pimple to take it out safely.\n\n \n

Myth: Unhealthy Skin & Acne comes because you don’t wash or scrub face with soap

Truth: Though it’s an accepted myth, it is, indeed, a myth “Acne does not happen to you just because you don’t wash your face frequently enough with a scrubber or face wash. In fact, when you scrub your face, you’re taking off some of the protective oils and barriers, which are likely to cause rashes and even burns,” Instead, use a gentle cleanser followed by a moisturizer or sunscreen to prevent acne from developing.

Also, In order for acne to form, you are to have an amalgam of 4 factors: blocked pores from shedding skin cells/keratin, sebum, plague and inflammation. So, while not washing your face definitely won’t help the issue, as it’s not the only cause of acne.\n\n \n

Myth: Tan makes you look younger and sculpted

\nTruth: You already jog your companion’s and kids memory not everything they see on Instagram is real and that photos are often airbrushed, so why are you still signing up to the supposition that a tan means youth—or health? While many men & women assume a sun-kissed glow makes them more youthful, fit & appealing, a tan is actually harmed skin attempting to protect and heal itself.

“In fact, a tan is localized swelling, which offers the initial appearance of prettier, shinier skin. “But, when that initial glow vanishes, reality sets in and sun damage occurs with a dull, drier, and damp skin leading to growing sunspots, wrinkles, fine lines, freckles or blotchiness.” If you’re looking for that warm peachy tone, consider a natural spray tan before a big event you can apply over time, minus the UV rays. This is the sharpest self-tanner for every need.

Myth: Products that are “dermatologist tested” or “dermatologist recommended” are proven to work

\nTruth: One of the dangerous skin care myths going around in minds. With many skin care products on the market today marketed with phrases like “dermatologist tested” or “dermatologist recommended,” it is vital to get to the core of the phrases that simply means that at least one dermatologist or professional specialist has tried the product or used it on a patient that produced no negative effects. It does not validate nor is it in any way guarantee of a product’s performance.\n\n \n

Myth: Water-based skin care products keep your skin hydrated

Truth: Proven to be false as the science just doesn’t back it up. Simply know, water-based skin care products do not help hydrating your skin because the skin cannot absorb water. Such skin care products with high concentration of water barely dilute the active ingredients contained in the product.

Check out for products that are formulated with a base that will work desirably for your skin. One example being— Lexl, which prepares all products with a base of pharmaceutical-grade aloe, that is scientifically proven to perforate skin tissue to subside inflammation, promote skin healing, and more.\n\n \n

Myth: Men and women need different skin care products

Truth: We won’t call it True, as; Skin is skin for any member of human race. And while individuals have different concerns that necessitate different skin care regimens, the differences definitely can’t be decreased n deduced to gender.

Given the apparent growth of the male skin care & aesthetics market, it’s no wonder beauty brands are increasingly adding lines objected particularly to this set of audience. The only difference between these products and other skin care products is the fragrance and the packaging, which is drawn to be more masculine.\n\n \n

Myth: Products containing collagen and/or elastin can replenish the skin cells

Truth: One skin care myth that can be easily and quickly debunked. Know that, Collagen and elastin are crucial proteins found in the middle layer, the dermis of your skin. These proteins are devised to provide support to the skin structure and its smooth and youthful appearance. Through the natural aging process or frequent sun exposure, collagen and elastin fibers starts to fragment, causing in sagging skin and wrinkles.

Many manufactures of skin care product that contain collagen and elastin make assertions that by supplementing these proteins topically, the evident signs of aging will miraculously be reversed. It is just an illusion. The reality is: when added to a product, collagen or elastin has absolutely ‘no pain no gain’ to the skin. Because of their molecular size being too large, Collagen and elastin cannot be absorbed into the skin.

Moreover, if the source of collagen or elastin is from a human or animal source, the proteins are deceased and totally inactive, giving absolutely no benefit. The only collagen or elastin that our bodies can utilize is that produced by our own tissues and cells. Collagen in skin care products solely provides the product a pleasant texture.\n\n \n

Myth: If it burns, it means its working.

Truth: Do not jump in excitement; this is actually one of the most dangerous myths out there. It is certainly not true, and if it is burning or tingling, first thing you need to do is to remove it with a cool damp cloth.”\n\nIt almost sounds believable—true alongside as if something is giving you sensation then it is meant to be doing its supposed task.

However, a little tingling with some products is normal when it comes to skin care, but severe stinging or burning, is just not. This type of reaction may signalize that you have a sensitive skin, or that it could be something more serious like catching an infection from an ingredient you’re using. So, if something feels off, remove it right away. And if the pain, inflammation or irritation does not lull within few hours, contact your dermatologist right away.

Myth: Rubbing alcohol will “kill” your acne.

Truth: Breaking the bubble of myth, “Rubbing alcohol is in fact too much irritating and drying for skin. In most cases, the skin will be inclined to dry you out to an extent that your skin will indemnify by generating excess sebum (oil) and clog you up.”

Because of its quick-drying capabilities, Alcohol is used as a common ingredient in many skin care products. When the right type of alcohol is mingled with the right ingredients and in the correct concentration, it is regarded effective and safe on the skin.

However, rubbing alcohol has an intensely high of a concentration of alcohol, which can splinter down your skin’s blockade and denude it of the natural oils your skin demands. Rather, look for acne combaters containing benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, witch hazel or tea tree oil.\n\n \n

Myth: Stress is not injurious to skin

Truth: They say what emotional health is to do with the physical health or skin’s health. But, Stress can actually play a crucial part in causing skin problems or provoking existing skin issues. Stress triggers a chemical response in your body causing skin to be more reactive and sensitive.

When stress takes place, not only it gets challenging for skin problems to heal but your body produces hormones called Cortisol which signal your glands to make more oil – and oily skin is more susceptible to acne and other skin concerns.

Stress is a part of life, but chronic stress is not, so the key is how you stave it off. Make sure not to neglect your skin, especially during a stress phase and implement a good skin care regimen and stress management techniques.\n\n \n

Myth: Lasers can make you look half your age

Truth: “Today there are a wide range of lasers that are being advertised in a way that people think it can make them a completely different person, and they all work upon different things”.

Not denying the fact that lasers are much better than they were a decade ago and produce favorable results with fewer side effects, people still need to be realistic about what they actually expect out of a procedure and how much it can do to meet their expectations.

“If you’ve done severe damage to your skin, there\’s only so much we can do,” do not expect lasers act like a magic wand of having the capability of reversing all the damage done and that too in few sessions.\n\n \n

MYTH: You don’t need anti-ageing products until you’re in your thirties

\nTRUTH: Sorry, but people in 20’s do not build castle in the air, as it holds no truthfulness in the saying that you do not have to worry about using anti-aging until crossing 30. Apart from natural aging, process, it occurs from a variety of factors like genes, stress, smoking, pollution or lifestyle habits. ‘Anti-ageing products, particularly those with antioxidants, can be used as early as 20 and the sooner you begin the better.

However, it is immensely crucial to use anti-ageing products that are suitable for your skin type. Products containing potent active ingredients like retinol can be added to your regimen in your mid to late 20s.’\n\nFurthermore, there is a misconception among people about faster aging in People with dry skin. However, factually, dry skin does not cause ageing or wrinkles, though it can foreground them.

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