Laser Toning

Best Laser Toning in Delhi to treat Melasma, Acne Scars, Sun Spots and more

Have you heard of Laser Toning treatment for Skin? Yes there is now a treatment based on real science and real results that can ‘Give the Red’ to any skin concern. Derma World offers Laser toning treatment in Delhi that can effectively correct melasma, acne scars, sun spots, and other conditions that act upon the skin’s pigmentation, whether they’re at the surface or deep in the dermal layers.

Laser Toning

Are you suffering from skin problems? What treatments have you tried? Did they work?

Encountering or hearing about few of many skin problems like pigmentation, acne, sun damage in itself prod us to admit defeat. Well that’s not a kind of personage we have to have while going through a problem or any skin problem.

You probably already know about the many applications of laser and other light-based technologies in the cosmetic/aesthetic industry: they’re employed for everything from managing hair loss to body hair removal, tattoo removal and body contouring, and are fiercely feuding away other invasive as well as non-invasive skin procedures by way of efficacy and safety.

Here we discuss in detail about the procedure, use, work & benefits of laser skin toning procedure.

What is “Laser Toning”?

Laser Toning / LimeLightLaser toning is an easy, effective treatment which addresses multiple skin issues and cosmetic concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, freckles, acne scarring, blotchy skin, and sun damage. The dermatologist and specialist skin surgeons utilize the method as non-ablative procedure that makes it suitable for all skin types and that where patients are allowed to resume to their normal routine immediately after the treatment. The procedure is proven to deliver immensely satisfactory outcomes by smoothing, plumping, clarifying and replenishing your skin.

How is Laser Toning Beneficial for Skin Problems?

Here is how the lasers have been improved for the benefits of certain cosmetic corrections and skin conditions.

We all are blessed with beautiful and soft skin, but aging inevitably takes its detriment on all of us! Though for some early, some with time and for the fortunate ones it’s delayed.

In spite of that, it’s not always aging but also the other factors like environmental factors pollution, exposure to UV rays, hormonal changes, and improper skin care regime that cause pigmentation problems.

Laser toning treatments is worth the treatment of adamant pigmentation issues by targeting low energy using the Q Switched laser which results in reduction of the melanin in the superficial layers of the skin. Thus, improving pigment disorders. Moreover, the laser also aids in triggering the collagen and elastic in the skin, meanwhile reawakening the skin texture whether at the top of the surface or deep in the dermal layers.

Laser toning is often used to treat a hard-to-handle skin problem called melasma (or cholasma) that one out of five Japanese women are said to have. The treatment is also efficacious in cases of macules, freckles, and eye bags that are propelled by under-eye skin pigmentation. A distinctive laser irradiation (the latest top-beam) obstructs the superfluous formation of melanin deposits while correcting the brown eye bags.

Another calibre that laser toning is entitled to be of almost negligible downtime that allow patient to immediately drive back to home/office or return to daily activities. Some people develop only a little redness in the affected areas post procedure and can wear makeup right after the treatment. A little ago or even so now with many other cosmetic procedures, the treatment of melasma used to take as long as two to three years to produce any positive results. Laser toning dramatically molded both the standard and time period of the treatment.

Addressing skin and pigmentary irregularities with lasers or light based treatments may also ‘aid n abet’ in avoiding the passé, chemical-charged skin “bleaching” creams, as these latest, high-tech devices are now being used to bawl-out melasma, acne, hyperpigmentation, and other common skin concerns.

Laser Toning enhances the appearance of the skin in both the short term and the long run. The procedure results in instant rejuvenation of the face, neck, hands and décolleté because it plumps, softens and clarifies the skin. Laser toning also encourages sub-dermal collagen production so that skin color, texture, and tone continue to improve long after your specialist’s appointment.

Regular laser toning have the goodness of subsiding surface flaws like fine lines, wrinkles, freckles, pigmentation and/or imperfections incited by conditions like acne, pimples, and rosacea, broken blood vessels, and refine enlarged pores. Laser Toning, can be considered as a medical facial being conducted regularly for superior maintenance of skin’s health and beauty. One of the worthiness of the laser/light based toning treatment is being solely in safe hands of an expert dermatologist or skin specialist/surgeon.

You may also like to read: 8 Key Benefits of Laser Toning


  • Laser Toning is effective & safe for all skin types.
  • The treatment is superficially painless, though most patients may feel a sensation of heat as the laser wand goes over the skin.

Lasers are the way of worthiness to blast away melasma, hyperpigmentation, improving acne scars, and other common skin concerns.

The Procedure

The procedure for Laser skin toning is a simple one that incorporates Q switched lasers using the a quasi long pulse mode, termed as Genesis mode to typically “heat” the skin and “promote” the production of collagen which aids in collagen revamping and also the correction in the appearance of fine lines and open pores. Furthermore, the toning mode (low energy and large spot size and) assists in conveying the pigment producing cells or the melanocytes to “relax” through a mechanism of subcellular selective photothermolysis of the pigment producing cell or the melanocyte (typically subtracting melanosome/ pigment granule production and its transport to the skin by the way of the pigment producing cell). This also buildsup for a cosmetic correction procedure that is safe as the pigment producing cell and is not fully destroyed as it’s just informed to “relax”. We at use the newest, state of the art Q switched machine to provide laser toning.

Before beginning the treatment, the doctor may apply a local topical analgesic or lidocaine to the skin in order to minimize discomfort during the procedure, but most patients don’t experience any substantial pain. Howbeit, it is usual for the skin to feel warm to the touch instantly after the session is complete. Topical local anesthetics essentially take 30 minutes to remain in effect.

How the Skin Laser Toning Works?

As opposed to the classical laser skin resurfacing treatments, laser toning is conducted utilizing non-ablative lasers, which functions by heating up the targeted tissue without really demolishing it. The laser functions by heating the upper dermis, close to the surface of the skin, for the highly evident outcomes. The laser’s heat aims at the dermis layer, which produces collagen. This makes for what dermatologists call a ‘controlled thermal injury,’ stimulating a natural reactivity in the body to produce more amount of collagen and elastin. Because of the laser’s built-in cooling system created to safeguard the skin from plausible damage, the patient is protected to feel the heat on the surface of the skin. As this area is incited, it confronts increase in collagen production, decrease in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and the sebaceous glands are pushed to contract. This also helps to control any active acne the receiver may have.

After completion of the procedure, the body’s immune system processes surplus pigmentation and remainder particles to steer clear of discolouration. Isn’t it coming to fruition? It is surely.

It is worth noting that the thermal injury is not recommended in certain cases, namely for people with darker skin, as it can lead to scarring and discolouration. As per a research, the use of lasers for melasma must be taken into account when all other modalities have failed. However, with the introduction and improvement of high-tech technologies and of course the skill set of the specialist, the level of efficacy of lasers over a wide range of skin types has shown promising outcomes.

Some of the most famously effective laser toning options include the picosecond, nanosecond, and Laser Genesis systems. Why these techniques are popular is because of the fewer complications they cause.

There is essentially NO pre-treatment needed for laser toning, though some dermatologists may prescribe their patients to stay away from sun exposure for a few days beforehand.

What shall you expect?

It is a safe, painless and effective skin correction treatment though patients may experience a sensation of heat when the laser hand piece passes over the skin following the procedure. Since it is a non-ablative treatment thereby it causes NO damage to the skin. Further, No swelling or bruising means patients can have an on-going way of living their life right after the treatment. Outside of some mild discomfort that can be explained as a tingling sensation, patients might not have any inconvenience during the procedure. One basically needs 4-6 sessions of toning which can productively work for not only the face but other body parts as well. What’s amazing about the wonder laser wand hovering is that the hair on the face also goes through a bleaching effect and falls off further offering a brighter, tighter and softer effect to the skin, which one looks for.

The provider may treat skin imperfections either individually like frown on the forehead under eye bags, lip area, wrinkles or treat whole face.

Treating only the small facial areas generally takes about 30 to 45 minutes. A full-face laser toning treatment may take up to 2 hours.

The treated areas will be bandaged by the specialist in Follow up laser procedure. After 24 hours, regular cleaning in the treated areas for about 4-5 times a day is required and an ointment like a petroleum jelly is applied to prevent forming of scabs.

What Happens After the Treatment?

A little redness may develop on the face after undergoing laser treatment for skin toning. The areas with moles or dark spots may become red. However, specialist does not restrict from putting up makeup right after the treatment.

Number of Treatments Needed

The number of treatments needed primarily depends on specific skin type and concerns. Each laser or light based toning treatment takes around 10 to 30 minutes. Typically, multiple treatments are required to achieve the expected result. When employed for the treatment of active acne, the laser must be utilised regularly to control the sebaceous glands.

For the whole face, 3 to 4 treatments in total, on once a month basis are recommended. Almost all non-ablative laser treatment options need several sessions — essentially between 4 and 7 treatments on whole.

Recovery and Results

Treatment with laser for skin toning results in evenly textured, soft and plump skin that appears free from certain signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, freckles , brown spots, eye bags, enlarged pores, redness and other concerns. Toning treatments with the laser are quite effective for reducing fine lines around the mouth and eyes, and acne scarring. The treatments can also be used regularly to manage acne and maintain a rejuvenated, renewed skin and complexion.

The outcomes of this treatment are typically more visibly dramatic than those of exfoliating procedures like microdermabrasion that makes it favourable for people not willing to getting scratched to look soft and supple. But laser toning is less than those of laser skin resurfacing.

“LASER” is basically an acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation,” and applies to equipments that form a single wavelength of light. Whereas, Intense Pulse Light (IPL) procedures are less targeted than lasers, and gleam multiple wavelengths over a larger area.

While both these approaches utilise light-based energy to manage common skin concerns, different hand pieces or devices are used to target particular skin types and conditions. For example, IPL based systems can be employed effectively by an experienced dermatologist for the treatment of capillary malformations and pigmented lesions. However, medical providers will in some cases prefer fractional lasers over IPL to obtain the same goals.

Who is a candidate?

This treatment is an exemplary solution for people struggling with cosmetic concerns like open/enlarged pores, age spots, pigment disorders, blotchy skin, tanned skin or uneven skin tone etc. Saving your skin from many internal and external brutalities, laser toning helps improving the appearance on the skin and provides immediate replenishment or “radiance” to the face, neck, hands and décolleté. Laser toning encourages production of sub-dermal collagen that helps to aids in improvement of the skin tone & texture.

What all can Laser toning do for skin’s integrity?

With the new, innovative & improved technologies, many skin issues and ailments can be treated using Laser therapy. The varied skin conditions and diseases that can be successfully and safely treated with Laser therapy includes:

  • Aging skin issues, such as fine lines, wrinkles, freckles or age spots on the face
  • Skin tightening
  • uneven skin color, tone & texture
  • Acne scars
  • Birthmarks
  • Dry, droopy eyelid skin
  • Pucker marks and frown lines
  • Dark circles and under eye bags
  • Improve crow’s feet around the eyes and deep smile lines around the mouth
  • Smokers’ lines
  • Unwanted Hair Removal

What all are the applications of Laser toning?

There are an umpteen of clinical applications when it comes to treating skin with Laser toning. The list is listed below:


In past sometime, laser toning or laser facial to treat melasma has become increasingly well-received by doctors and receivers, especially in Asia. It is normal to see people undergoing lasers for different skin concerns, one mainly being Melasma.

Epidermal melasma in a part of a growing trend has reported to respond well and faster than the dermal or mixed melasma. Complete clearing of lesions apprehended in more than 60% of cases for epidermal melasma. Complete clearing of dermal or mixed melasma is reported in about 30-50% of cases, while the remaining cases observed with mild to moderate improvement. Rebound melasma and Post inflammatory hyper pigmentation are harrowing complexities that may take place in a candidate with super sensitive skin. Lower laser energy and lesser laser repetitions are apt to provide marked improvement. That said, sustainability in improvement is needed by repeated sessions since recurrence is NOT unusual in melasma.

Non-ablative laser is considered appropriate in treatment of melasma and skin rejuvenation by way of Laser toning. On the other hand, High-frequency energy selective laser, for example, 1064 nm Q-switched NdYAG laser, 755 nm Q-switched alexandrite laser, 694 nm, Q-switched ruby laser, 532 nm frequencies doubled Q-switched NdYAG laser, had been scrutinized with inadequate results for treatment of melasma. Normal skin color is hardly achieved.

Tattoo Removal by Lasers

Although Q-switched Ruby and Q-switched alexandrite lasers have been the extensively employed lasers for tattoos since the very old times, Q-switched NdYAG 1064 nm, due to its far reaching wavelength, higher fluence, and shorter pulse, has emerged to be as an exemplary laser for the black and dark blue tattoo pigment. The most visible alterations in scarring, hyper pigmentation and skin texture in comparison to older lasers are markedly low. That said, for different colored pigments, use of different wavelengths is crucial. Response of laser toning particularly with Q-switched 1064 nm depends on the kind of tattoo one has got like:

Professional Tattoos

These kinds of tattoos generally have even distribution of ink pigment, mainly in subcutaneous tissue. Moreover, ink quality used in professional tattoos is also superior; therefore, 4-6 treatments sessions are usually required.

Cosmetic Tattoos

Cosmetic tattoos like scalp, eyebrows, eyelash edging, lip or lip line are chiefly made of iron-based inks. This can sometimes heat up and turn black, so a prior test patch must be given. Laser toning is targeted in the area of removal and clearance can come into view within 5-9 treatments.

Amateur Tattoos

These types of tattoos are usually quite easy to remove, do not generally need multiple lasers, but in few cases, if the ink is penetrated in the skin at deeper level, a couple of extra sittings could stand in need of.

Non Ablative Skin Resurfacing for Wrinkles and Acne Scars

Q-switched NdYAG laser at1064 nm offers for a latest technology and a better responsive treatment that aids in treatment of wrinkles and scars deeply entrenched & glued in the skin. Laser toning is in reality being extensively used by the dermatologist for resurfacing of skin because of its unique technique that lay off adequate energy to puncture in deeply without injuring the top layer of skin. The deep dermis is thereby elicited to produce natural collagen and other key proteins that make up for healthy, youthful or rekindled skin. The procedure is painlessly and comfortably completed in about 15 minutes. A patient may develop mild redness that will pass away within a few hours later. After 4-6 sessions, undertaken at monthly intervals, wrinkles start to smoothen out and skin gets soft and tight. Therefore, it is also regarded to as laser skin toning. It is a more appropriate cosmetic option for correcting skin imperfections like acne scars, stretch marks, wrinkles without difficult procedures, risk of injury and elongated recovery time as compared to surgical options or even Botox injections etc.

The Q-switched lasers are the gold excellence virtue for treatment of tattoos.

Medium Depth Non Ablative Skin Resurfacing method utilizes a wavelength doubled 532 nm, i.e., 1064 Q switched laser that is actually a conventionally customary technology for treating photo-aging. When utilized at lower level fluences with a larger spot size, it is a medium depth laser peel, with minimal downtime and higher patients’ satisfaction. Even so,, because of the on-going risk of post inflammatory pigment alterations in Asian skins, it should be only done after a patch test and pre-conditioned sun protection advised to the patient.

Pigmented Lesions and Dermal pigmented lesions

Mongolian spots that are blue in color like bruises and other flat pigmented birthmarks like moles, lait spots counter well to laser toning. The Nd:YAG lasers of 1064 nm of wavelength performs ideally for dermal pigmented lesion conditions. There is multiple treatment sessions usually required with near-complete blasting away of the lesion in most cases.

While the epidermal lesions respond well to 532 nm of wavelength, (frequency half the NdYAG) the dermal lesions are better treated with 1064 nm.


Laser toning using Carbon Dioxide Laser (Co2) was however first introduced during the late ’60s but is still being effectively used for skin rejuvenation and freckles responds well to this laser treatment. Howbeit, due to its possible side effects, it has greatly been replaced with fractional mode lasers, which has relatively fewer complications and heals faster. But it is not suitable for darker skin tones. The laser at fractional mode promotes collagen production for skin tightening that helps rectifying the saggy skin. Other skin conditions that can be treated includes skin cancer, skin tags, warts, moles, birthmarks, deep set wrinkles, sun damage, corns on feet, acne scars, and other scarring saggy skin.

Though, quite & effective, risk of dys-pigmentation persists


It usually take just 1-2 sessions to clear off lentigines with laser at 532 nm of frequency.Though, quite effective, there remains a risk of hyper pigmentation that demands avoidance of sun exposure for about a month post laser toning.

Cafe-au lait macules

It is a condition that is characterized by a coffee-milk mixed pigmented skin that is present since the birth and increases in size overtime. It occurs due to genetic disorders. Treatment of Cafe-au lait macules lasers is quite successful and can be treated substantially in 1-2 sessions, but recurrence is anticipated which requires multiple treatments.

Vascular Lesions

Medlite laser has shown to be quite advantageous in treating vascular lesions like small spider veins, cherry angiomas and nevi telangiectasia. Characterized by proportional growth and plausible fast growth in the setting of infection, trauma or hormonal irregularity, vascular lesions or malformations are congenital, meaning that they are present at birth. More than one laser session will be required. Though the treatment is associated with the risk factor of causing purpura— that can occur in some cases, which could take up to 7-20 days to die away.

Rosacea and Redness

Most commonly & frequently caused by spider veins also known as telangiectasias, Rosacea is characterized by bright redness on the affected area. Specific lasers and cooling devices can be used to annihilate these injured blood vessels on the nose and cheeks. The dermatologist recommends certain types of lasers that can help with treating rosacea, but take a warning simultaneously those treatments may actually cause rosacea to worsen. Due to the reason rosacea sufferers are more possibly to experience adverse reactions to some skincare treatment, therapies, should only be provided by highly experienced & trained professionals. Oral medications and topical treatments ( Azelaic Acid – anti-inflammatory gel) are advised by the dermatologist in pairing up with laser toning treatment for better counter to reducing inflammation, clearing breakouts and controlling lesions, swelling or bumps that may occur.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

A skin condition of epidermal pigmentation commonly referred to as PIH, usually come into existence following an injury, inflammatory lesion, burn, or skin defect. The condition is perceived to be more common in people of African American or Hispanic ancestry, although technically it come about on any skin type. There are particular lasers, wavelengths, intensity and cooling devices, can be used to treat PIH. Many dermatologists advise combining the laser or light based treatments with topical lightening creams for the optimum results.

Dark circles

In extension to laser toning or light based treatment, it could be technically effective to combine dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, for people having largely hollow under-eye circles. For obvious reasons, patients as well as providers alike should wear specialized protective eyewear to stave off irrevocable eye damage during light-based treatments.

Dark spots

If you’re observing brown spots or dark pigmented spots on your face that are nowhere linked with melasma, PIH or another skin condition, they are likely be caused by excessive sun damage or UV exposure. An appropriate laser light based treatment can optimally fade or slaughter these dark spots away. Expert aesthetic specialists and dermatologist’s advice on the use of ruby lasers for such applications, but various viable laser and light therapy options are also available.

Dark Lips

Dark lip in some case is a genetic disorder or is present at the time of birth but most commonly (95%) is a cosmetic issue that is initiated with excessive smoking, unhealthy eating habit, flawed cosmetic products and improper skin care practice. This is actually a problem the larger part of Asian skin is bothered about. An approx of 2-sessions of Q-switched at 532 nm would be an appropriate treatment for lip lightening.

Laser-assisted Hair Reduction

Although the long-pulsed lasers are considered as the benchmark for the removal of terminal hair, Q-switched laser has also been conducted with and without topical carbon suspension. A Q-switched pulse forms a photomechanical impact not only on the tissue but also on hair shaft and hair follicle and, thereby, causing decrease as well as delay in hair growth process on the face as well as whole body. Since it is independent of color, it makes for an apt treatment for all skin types, even on sun tanned skins without fearing of pigment alterations.

Is Laser Skin Toning Treatment Safe?

Laser alike other aesthetic/cosmetic procedures carry some amount of risk. Ablative laser and light-based treatments can prompt cold sores, infections, cysts, milia (small white protruded cysts of superficial skin), or darkening of the skin (specifically if revealed to the sun after surgery).

Non-ablative techniques can result in impermanent blisters, skin darkening (hyper pigmentation), and damage to the eyes from laser exposure.

However, with advancing technology, there are introduced some innovative types of lasers being used for various skin issues and skin types. And with a wide variety of laser skin treatments available, it is hard to zero in on the one that will make promise for you. So, what should be your priority before plummeting in for laser toning treatment is TO consult an experienced dermatologist for finalizing the treatment plan, tailor-made for you!

Can Laser toning be aborted in between?

There are several complications that are temporary reactions of the treatment but do not generally require termination of the treatment. These complications are as follows:-

  • Acneiform eruption ( cluster of dermatoses including folliculitis, acne vulgaris, perioral dermatitis, rosacea)
  • Immediate erythema (skin redness either in restricted area or all over)
  • Rebound hyper pigmentation or Ochronosis
  • Physical urticaria (form of hives triggered by specific stimuli such as cold, heat, vibration or pressure)
  • Minute petechiae (pinhead sized spots caused by blood leakage into skin due to capillaries broke open)
  • Whitening of fine hair

Then there are some complications that need either ending of the laser/light treatment or modifications of laser parameters. They are as follows:

  • Leukoderma ( irreversible loss of skin color in blotches)
  • Severe acneiform eruption
  • Severe urticaria
  • Herpes simplex activation (virus causing contagious sores, most often on the genitals & around mouth)
  • Mottled hyper or hypo pigmentation
  • Scarring and Ghost shadows can occur with tattoo removal treatment at higher fluencies.

Pre and Post treatment care?

To enhance the efficacy of laser treatment and optimality of final outcomes, pairing it with following procedures can work pleasingly well:

  • Use of Topical sunscreen (at least SPF 30, every 2 hours particularly when out)
  • Long pulsed /Deep pulsed light lasers
  • Chemical peels (Glycolic acid or Jessner’s peels)
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Topical bleaching agents, for example, Arbutin, and Kligman’s 7% formula
  • Intralesional tranexamic acid (5 mg/ml)
  • Take an extra pillow during sleep at night to ease off swelling.

Laser toning process can actually turn out to be quite fruition once the correct course of treatment of criterion is chosen by a highly trained and experienced dermatologist or skin specialist. After a laser toning procedure, most patients need NO significant aftercare and can resume to normal activities immediately afterwards. However, patients must avoid direct sun exposure for at least four to six weeks after procedure and if out should ‘by no chance’ forget to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30.

Take care NOT to irritate the skin with harsh or exfoliating cleansers.

However in conditions of freckles & melasma, recurrence is likely to happen. The most literal complications exhibited with the laser/light procedures of pigmented lesions are hyper or hypo pigmentation. If hypo pigmentation develops, the treatment fluence should be decreased and the interval should be doubled. If hypo pigmentation is dotted, this necessitates for aborting the treatment and heading for a medical line of treatment (topical & oral) like azelaic acid, kojic acid etc.

Avoid Hydroquinone-containing preparations. After duration of 2-3 months, once the hypo pigmentation adjourns, laser toning therapy can begin again at a lower fluence (less than 2.5 J/cm 2). Temporary edema, erythema and urticaria are transient reactions and dissolves in a few hours.

Types of Cosmetic Lasers used in application of Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

A huge range of light-based treatments are advertised as skin toning lasers. However, not all of these are lasers in the real sense. Ambiguity spurs up when Lasers & Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatments are referred to interchangeably by uneducated or misguided technicians.

Let’s know about the various cosmetic lasers and what skin conditions they are best capable o treat.

Ablative Lasers:

Under this procedure, an intense wavelength of light is targeted directly into the skin, which eliminates the outer layers of aged or sun damaged skin. Laser triggers the concealed skin, leading to collagen production and improvement in wrinkles, acne or chicken pox scars. After completing laser resurfacing, a medicated lotion and dressing is applied to the skin. Once the skin heals post procedure, new skin forms that is softer and tighter.

Non-Ablative Laser:

On contrary to ablative technologies that heats and discards the top skin tissue, non-ablative also referred to as non-wounding laser functions beneath the surface skin layer. It promotes collagen formations and tightens the underlying skin to enhance the skin tone & texture. It also helps in removing fine lines and mild to moderate skin damage.

Non-Ablative Laser-based treatments are of the following types:

Pulsed Dye Laser:

It treats the skin by straightaway targeting the blood vessels causing them to shrink, making the skin less red. Feeling like a rubber band snap, can be used anywhere on the face and body, requiring approximately 3 to 5 sessions of treatment. Best thing is that it provides results that are permanent. Healing time is just a few hours, during which the redness dissolves.

Most common Skin Conditions treatable are broken birthmarks, capillaries, rosacea, spider veins, vascular lesions, stretch marks, and fine lines around the eyes.

Temporary complication in form of pigmentation and little bruising may occur.

Nd: Yag Laser:

Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet is a crystal that is used as a medium of laser for solid-state lasers. This radiate wavelength of high energy light, which when targeted on a specific skin condition, creates heat and kills the diseased cells.

It is helpful in treating Skin like skin pigmentation problems, pigmented lesions, vascular lesions, spider veins, tattoo removal and hair removal.

With Nd:Yag, there is a high chance of recurrence in case of vascular lesions.

Alexandrite Laser:

This laser ejects out wavelength of high energy light that is transformed to heat energy. This leads to causing damages to the particular target area. The selected tissue area is destructed by Alexandrite laser utilizing the process of photothermolysis, which means utilizing light (photo) to heat (thermo). Alexandrite lasers cause absolutely exact tissue destruction of the lesion and leave the surrounding tissue area undamaged.

The treatable Skin Conditions using Alexandrite laser includes hair removal, tattoo removal birthmarks, pigmentations, pigmented lesions and leg veins. It is also useful to treat brown spots due to sun damage. Though fast & effective, this laser can cause changes in pigmentation, particularly if in inexperience hands.

Light-Based Treatments

The light-based treatments are also effective for the treatment and cure of skin problems. Though they are not exactly similar to laser treatments, but are matching in terms of purpose and outcome.

Some of the Light based treatments are:

  • Intensed Pulsed Light (IPL)
  • Photo Facial
  • Pulsed Dye Lasers
  • Pearl by Cutera
  • Portrait
  • Radiofrequency
  • Ultrasound Imaging

A word of caution

Are you looking forward to have your first laser toning session? Laser toning is an aesthetic/cosmetic procedure which necessitates sophisticated treatment and high power devices and may cause more harm than good if carried out by obsolete, substandard machines, so it is our endeavor to educate and urge our patients to pick the RIGHT doctor, place and machine to undertake this procedure. If conducted well this is a procedure which is eminent since it has little to No discomfort, No downtime and provides immediate brightness, firmness, and radiance to the skin.

Also it is viable to find out a doctor and skin care center that clarifies all your doubts during a consultation and help choosing an appropriate treatment protocol. An ideal way to determine which type of treatment is best suited for your specific case is to speak to a trained and licensed aesthetic medical provider and/or dermatologist. An expert is calibrated in their job to create a personalized plan that’s tailored to your needs. We first examine the prospect’s skin, discuss different treatment options available for them and then suggest the best suitable treatment depending on particular skin type, need & concerns. If you seek to experience a striking transformation of your skin with Laser Toning Treatment, visit us!