Removing body hair has been an age old tradition that women from all round the world follow. The most recent trend in this hair removal treatment procedures is the use of advanced laser technology. Alma Soprano Ice Lasers is one such newly evolved, clinically proven technology to remove hair. This award winning laser technology provides a stable, long term hair removal option.
Shaving, tweezing, waxing- there are countless number of ways by which women can get rid of their unwanted body hair. Each has its own set of advantages as well as disadvantages. Why each person chooses a particular method is entirely up to their own personal taste.
Laser treatment is comparatively new and the reason for its popularity is mainly because it negates all the disadvantages of the other treatments.
The laser treatment is comparatively more permanent as the laser beams act on the hair follicles and destroys them. This method is both convenient and easy.
To a working woman, a regular shave or waxing can be very time consuming. Also continuous waxing or shaving can lead to skin irritations and it also cannot remove ingrown hairs. Plucking is as painful as it is time consuming.
Waxing cannot be done until enough hair grows out and hence the wait is quite long. Because of all these disadvantages, many women are shifting to laser hair removal treatments. Some of the reasons why the laser treatment is preferred over the other methods, are mentioned below.
Face (including cheeks): Believe it or not, men are not the only human gender to suffer from facial hair. In fact most women are also prone to have facial hair. Sometimes in their upper lip, cheeks or even on the chin area, lool like a beard. This greatly affects the self- confidence of women as the face is the most prominent part of the body and you feel bad when that is covered with facial hair. It is out of the question to use a razor on your face. So the laser treatment steps in and does the job. Facial hair removal through laser technology is quick, simple and easy. It hardly takes 10 to 15 minutes. A few successive treatments is guaranteed to keep the growth of facial hair at bay.
Legs: Short skirts and colourful dresses are synonymous with summer and spring. Every women loves to rock their favourite dresses and take a break from the regular long jeans. But hair on the legs can make it a nightmare. Of course you can just shave off the hair. But leg hair grows very rapidly and within days, so short prickly stubs of hair will start to appear on your legs. Then you will have to take painstaking time to shave or wax your legs again. Another drawback of shaving legs is that you might accidentally cut or bruise yourself while using the laser. This is something that you do not want should happen and these scars are not the kind that you would want to display proudly. Laser treatment can help you get rid of the leg hair without these side effects. Since the full leg area is quite large, it might take about an hour to complete the full treatment. But this wait is totally worth it. You don’t have to worry about picking long cloths or recurring hair growth anymore.
Arms and underarms: Laser treatment for the forearms and the upper arms are similar to that of the treatment for the legs. It is the perfect way to get rid of those hairy arms without negatively affecting your skin complexion. Now hair removal from the underarms can be quite tricky. Though this area is quite easy for shaving, it leaves behind bumps on the skin and an irritating feel. And the unpleasant razor burns are not a sight that you should have to experience. So laser treatment becomes a much better alternative. The process takes only about 5 minutes and at the end of the treatment, you will be left with soft and smooth underarms. The only thing left to do is to rock by wearing a nice sleeveless dress.
Chest and back: Though these are not very popular areas when it comes to hair removal in women, they are not completely out of its reach. The skin in these regions, especially in the chest is very sensitive. Hence procedures like waxing can be very painful. Laser treating these areas will leave behind a smooth chest and back. Hair growth in these areas are greatly controlled by Alma Soprano Ice Lasers. So you can save a lot of money from unnecessary and frequent waxing appointments.
Bikini area: This is another infamous area that can be treated by laser treatment. A razor burn in this area can be quite embarrassing. And honestly no one wants stray hairs peeking out of their swim suits while taking a relaxing stroll through the beach. Waxing this area is not only costly but also rather painful. So laser treatment is probably the best option for removing hair along the bikini line and after a few sessions, you can get rid of the hair permanently.
So as the above list proves, laser treatment for hair removal can be done on almost any part of a woman’s body. Alma Soprano Ice Lasers helps you get rid of all the facial and body hair and leaves behind clean andsmooth skin.