Best Acne Treatment in Delhi: Get Clear and Glowing Skin



Best Pimple/Acne Treatment in Delhi by the Best Acne Specialist in Delhi

No need to give up on Acne/Pimple issues. Visit India’s best Dermatology & Acne Clinic in Delhi. Dr. Rohit Batra is an Acne specialist in Delhi & offers the best Acne treatment in Delhi.

These treatments are targeted not to temporarily cover the acne-prone area BUT to clear off the rooted problem permanently for clearer, smoother, and calm skin.

The best part is you do not see the acne creeping back in again. Brides/Grooms-to-be, college goers, fashion people, and social entities can benefit from our best acne treatment in Delhi with super fast positive results. Visit any of the 4 locations (Rajouri Garden, New Rajinder Nagar, Sir Ganga Ram, & Karol Bagh) for consultation regarding Acne Treatment.

We have best tools & machines for Laser Acne Scars & Acne Treatment in Delhi like Lasers for Acne Scars, Active Acne & Severe Acne Issues.

Other procedures like Laser Resurfacing, Chemical Peels, Salicylic Acid Peels etc. not just treat the issue temporarily but reaches to the root cause to make the treatment permanently effective.

Visit any of the 4 locations (Rajouri Garden, New Rajinder Nagar, Sir Ganga Ram, & Karol Bagh) for consultation regarding Acne Treatment.

What is Acne? Agonizing skin disorders in adolescent

Acne is a skin disorder mainly prevalent amongst young adults that is primarily caused by contact with bacteria, dead skin cells ramming together and blocking the pores. A major trigger for the outbreak of acne is puberty.

That said, altered living standards and health habits have witnessed a dramatic decrease in the onset of puberty, particularly in girls, significantly over the past two decades.

It is now not very alarming for girls as young as 9 to develop acne. Although, in current scenario Acne is also making its appearance evident in more adults later in life (say about 40-45years) and doctors are in a quandary as to why. A growing number of women are now seeing developing acne in their late 40s, 50s, and beyond.

Are Pimples and Acne the same thing? NO

Most commonly Acne is referred to other words such as Pimples, Zits, Whiteheads, Blackheads, or Breakouts, however, contrary to popular belief, Acne Vulgaris is a wider term while pimple as well other terms are just few types of acne.

A key point of distinction between the two can be spotted with the way they appear. A Pimple will always have a pointed tip sacked in pus while acne might just be a red, round bump. Moreover, pimples are caused by the clogging of pores while acne is a result of clogged follicles. Lastly, compared to Acne, Pimples are also generally milder, tolerable and less painful.

Types of Acne— Symptoms that lead to right type and treatment


Acne varies in shape, size, color, and intensity of pain.

The following types zits popping out can possibly be acne:

  • Blackheads: visible to the naked eye, they are black dot-like that appear on the surface of the skin, most commonly on the nose, between the eyebrows, chin, and lower chin.
  • Whiteheads: These are very small and are seated under the skin
  • Papules: Small sized, generally pink bumps, appears on the surface of the skin
  • Pustulesred at the base and pus in the sack are clearly visible on the surface of the skin.
  • Nodules: Larger, solid, round painful zits that rooted deep in the skin but are clearly visible on the surface of the skin.
  • Cysts: Pus-filled, swelled, inflamed sacks those are more apparent on the face and back surface of the skin. They even cause scars.

Is it okay to snap off an Acne zit?

It is never okay to fiddle with any sort of skin breakouts or even keeping your hands in contact because it will only invite more zits in the long run.

What Puts You at Risk for Acne?

Causes of Acne

Causes of Acne are surprising but eye-opening:

  • Sebum: This is an oily substance that aids moisturize our skin but excess of it is the main cause of prompting acne by sticking the dead skin cells together and thus increasing their likeliness of getting confined inside a pore. The blocked pores come into being as blackheads, whiteheads, zits or pimples.
  • Pollution & Pollutants: Research shows that pollution plays an important role in development of acne. Blackheads are acidified oil that is produced overtime with accumulation of dirt from excessive exposure to pollution. If bacteria are also persistent on skin, redness, inflammation and swelling can take place leading to progression of the pimple into a cyst or nodule. The production of sebum is usually triggered at puberty. Remember, Sweat never cause acne.
  • Food: Junk, processed, greasy and fried foods are not only bad or generally deteriorating for overall health, but they also play a casual key in causing acne.

Foods high in carbohydrates, sugar, dairy products are great source in accumulating oil glands that in turn pop acne. Even pure chocolate is considered a factor to infuriate acne though findings are far from evinced.

  • Stress: Prevalent stress releases hormone called Cortisol which is a primary stress hormone known to increases the level of sugars in the bloodstream while also changes the serum level of many hormones thus playing a kind of indirect role in causing acne.
  • Heredity: If one of your parents had severe acne, it is likely that you can have the propensity to produce acne or that your acne will be more difficult to manage, especially with home remedies.
  • Medication: Some medicinal drugs may induce or aggrandize acne, such as those containing bromides, iodides, oral or injected steroids {Orasone, Deltasone Liquid Pred}. Other drugs that act as a contributing factor to acne are Lithobid, lithium or anticonvulsant medications. However, only less than a few cases of acne might be drug related.
  • Cosmetics: Some skin care and make-up products are characteristically “comedogenic”, meaning that they are pore blocking. Of the many brands of cosmetic products available, it is vital to read the list of ingredients and pick those which are water based or paraben free, if one is concerned about acne. These “water-bearer” skin products are generally skin-friendly and best for those with breakouts.

Who is more at Risk of Acne?

  • People with naturally higher levels of hormone and produce more sebum, so their skin pores are always choked.
  • Some people suffer from severely Bad acne which is actually a reason of hereditary. It tends to run through family who probably had breakouts when they were a teenager.
  • People who live in area with high humidity in surrounding atmosphere
  • Those in an occupation that exposes to excessive heat and moist like cutting oil in industries, food kitchen, mechanical work or tar
  • A headband, helmets, suspenders or chin straps clinched too tightly tends to precipitate breakout.
  • Hair oil, serum applied too close to the skin can give spark to a zit
  • People taking medicines – particularly phenytoin, and hormonal contraceptives that high in androgens (for example Depo-Provera shot) are likely to get Acne.

How is Acne Treated? Treatment as per type and cause

Over past few years, with improved understanding of the pathogenesis of acne, new remedial restoratives and a number of permutation and combinations have been developed.

Most Effective Medical Care for Acne: Cautious selection of therapeutic modality

In topical agents; oral antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, etc remain the reliance of the acne vulgaris treatment that can also be given in combinations.

While fundamental therapy includes:

  • Retinoic acid called isotretinoin and
  • Hormonal therapy

Depending upon the necessity of patients it is selected.

Somatic therapy in the form of:

  • Photo-therapy and
  • Lesion removal

Is also useful in some kinds of acne types. Since a multiplicity of old and new topical and fundamental agents are within easy reach to treat acne, it sometime puzzle the treating dermatologist, though not a virtuoso.

To deal with the acne in the most righteous way, Delhi dermatologist works closely with the panel of expert cosmetologists and researchers as a global coalition and work force to remarkably enhance the outcomes in acne treatment.

A successful Treatment of Acne is directed towards the known pathogenic factors involved in acne. These include:

  • Excess sebum
  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Follicular hyperproliferation
  • Propionibacterium acnes.

The classification and severity of acne helps in indentifying which of the following treatments, singularly or in combination, is most appropriate.

Combination of antimicrobial therapy and topical retinoid has been determined to be superior over monotherapy treatment for almost all patients with acne because of its efficiency of action in targeting various pathogenic factors.

Best Treatment for Different Acne Types


Treatment depends on how severe and steady the acne is, for the following:

Mild Acne

Mild acne can be successfully treated with (OTC) medications, such as gels, creams, lotions, soaps, and pads, which are topically applied to the skin.

There are large number of steroidal and non-steroidal gels and lotions available on the market to cure acne, and identifying the correct cause and type of acne makes the all the more effective.

For oily skin with acne, Alcohol-based creams and gels works best as they dry the skin and are better for oily skin.

For sensitive skin with acne, gels and lotions with balanced pH content are best.

Optimality of Over-The-Counter (OTC) acne remedies

OTC therapeutic modality contains the following active ingredients that are highly helpful for:

  • Benzoyl peroxide: killing bacteria, arresting the production of sebum and stimulating the proxy of skin.
  • Retin-A: re-opening pores by way of cell turnover
  • Resorcinol: breaking down
  • Azelaic acid: strengthening cells that align the follicles, reducing bacterial growth, and halting sebum discharges. There is a lotion for acne, but other forms works good for treating rosacea.
  • Salicylic acid: reducing swelling and inflammation, breaking down whiteheads & blackheads

It is advised to always begin with the lowest concentrations, as some preparations can cause skin redness, or inflammation on first use. Though, the side effects usually subside after continued use. If not, see a doctor.

Moderate to Severe Acne

Only a professional dermatologist, skin specialist has the prowess and preparations to treat more severe acne cases.

The doctor may prescribe a gel or lotion similar to OTC medications but stronger, topical or oral antibiotic.

The best way to treat severe acne includes:

Corticosteroid injection

Injecting a diluted corticosteroid into the affected skin tissue, a specialist can successfully treat an inflamed cyst breaking it down within a few days. The injection compound can help prevent scarring, decrease inflammation, and speed up healing.


This is a strong, oral retinoid, most effectual to treat moderate severe cystic acne that has not responded to other medications and therapies.

The medication is prescribed only in controlled dosage under the supervision of a professional clinician as it is accompanied with potentially serious side effects. The patient needs to sign a consent form to confirm that they understand the risks.

Adverse side effects may include dry skin, nosebleeds, and fetal abnormalities if consumed during pregnancy, and/or behavioral changes.

Patients on isotretinoin must avoid vitamin A supplements, as it can make for a lethal combination.

Oral Antibiotics

Oral antibiotics can work appropriately for patients with severe acne. Antibiotics can thwart off the growth of bacteria and mitigate soreness and swelling.

The goal is to minimize the application of the population of P. Acnes. Tetracycline and Erythromycin are most commonly prescribed for acne. The dosage may be prescribed for up to 6 months that will begin high and decrease as the acne subsides.

Acnes can become unaffected to the antibiotic in time, and may necessitate another antibiotic. Acne is more likely to get repellent to topical rather than oral antibiotics.

Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives can work well in controlling acne in women by repressing the overactive gland. These are usually given as long-term acne treatments.

However, these medications might not be suitable for women who:

  • Have a history of migraines
  • Have a blood-clotting issue
  • Smoke & drink excessively
  • Are over 35 years

Topical Antimicrobials

Topical antimicrobials are usually a derivative of vitamin A that aims to reduce P. acnes in patients with severely inflamed cystic acne.

Examples of commonly used Topical antimicrobials are clindamycin, tretinoin, tazarotene, and sodium sulfacetamide.

The doctor may prescribe a topical retinoid to:

  • Unblock the pores
  • Prevent blackheads & whiteheads from developing

However if an acne cyst has become intensely excruciated and inflamed, it may burst. This can lead to scarring.

Will you need other treatments? YES— Acne Scar Removal Treatment

Acne Scar Removal

Once you get rid of the acne, the next that’s equally considerate an issue is the acne scars. While you may overcome but acne scars are the rough, red marks that continue to exist on the skin’s surface and needs to pay heed to display the perfectly flawless, radiant skin.

Best Acne Scars Treatments

Do not confuse the acne treatment with the acne scar treatment as the two are neither similar in nature nor for the purpose they are directed. The following treatments are recommended to clear off the skin from the scar sand spots that are left behind after the acne removal.

Advanced Acne Scars treatments—changing the old way of acne management

  • Laser Treatment for AcneUsing chemicals or scrubs, laser removes the top layer of skin which in turn helps reducing the appearance of acne scars thus creating a youthful, even surface that lies beneath.
  • Dermabrasion: A spinning wheel swinging at a full-speed helps removing the dead skin cells and damaged skin from beneath the surface reducing the appearance of acne marks and leveling off the skin.
  • Chemical peel: A peculiar kind acid specially formulated for certain skin disorders that helps extracting the uppermost layer of your skin and even targeting the deep layers of the skin thus also helping with scars settled deeper.
  • Skin resurfacing: The objective of the process is to draw out the dead and damaged layers of skin so that new, healthy skin comes into being. New skin starts to form in about a week after resurfacing. There are mainly three ways your dermatologist can do this:
  • PRP: One of the breakthrough introductions in medical care that’s considered the safest and the successful treatment for many skin issues. The process of Platelet-rich plasma is withdrawn from your own blood to boost new collagen, smoothing the skin. Its injected into skin surrounding scars once every month until 4 months.
  • Microneedling: Another competent treatment for acne scar removal that works by inserting nanoscopic needles into the skin encompassing the acne scar to boost the body’s mechanism to produce more collagen that helps reducing the visibility of acne marks by smoothing out the skin.
  • Fillers: A fat or collagen based filler that is injected into the damaged skin tissue using a fine needle. It plumps up the skin under the scar to prompt up the production of collagen and elastin, thus smoothing and firming the skin. The process has to be repeated from time to time since the body absorbs the filler compound slowly.
  • Surgery: This must be the last option anyone would want to choose from. Some cystic acne become so wrenchingly severely that patient might need an operation to remove bad acne scars or cysts. The scar is sniped or loosened by the doctor. The treated area is then fixed with stitches or a taking and pasting skin from another area of the body (skin grafting).

Alternative treatments for Acne— Home Remedies

Home Remedies

They are certain substances claimed to be workable alternative remedy or natural treatment for Acne. Their efficacy though is not scientifically tested on the same scale as compared to the drugs discussed above. Even so, there may be historical telltale associate with their use to the treatment of Acne.

The following natural Treatment Options include:

  • Lavender
  • Starflower
  • Tea Tree Antiseptic
  • Neem
  • Diet rich in vitamins A and E and of zinc and low on glycemic
  • Moisturizers containing aloe vera at a concentration of minimum 10% or witch hazel

Are Home Remedies for Acne Safe?

Our soul search engine Google might display and claim a range of home remedies for acne spot removal treatment to be true and effective.

However, home remedies can be effective only a milder form of acne and won’t work for the severe ones.

More so, what might have worked well for your best friend would not be your best get away since every skin type is unique. Remember every skin is unique and react differently, so it’s advised to always do a patch test before treating your breakout to any new ingredient

How Can I Prevent Acne?

Acne Prevention

Acne Prevention: Stop it even before it starts

These little, easy tips will certainly help those looking to protect the skin that’s prone to acne.

  • Wash your face each day no more than twice with mild face wash made particularly for breakouts or sensitive skin.
  • Avoid pore-clogging ingredients in products, such as algae extract, lanolin, myristyl, octyl, octyl stearate-5, oleth-3 and palmitate.
  • Wash hands time and again, particularly before applying creams or cosmetics
  • Do not prick or pop the pimples, as this may poke the infection farther down, causing more clogging and swelling and even make scarring possible
  • Do not scrub the skin
  • Do not touch the face or skin surrounding acne
  • Do not let your phone come in contact with the facial skin while taking, as it is likely to contain skin residue.
  • Clean spectacles frequently as they gather sebum and skin residue.
  • Try wearing breathable clothes especially for back and chest acne
  • Avoid body hugging garments and accessories such as scarves, headbands, etc wash them if used.
  • Choose makeup for sensitive skin
  • Avoid oil-based skin care products and makeup
  • Remove makeup thoroughly before off to bed
  • Use battery-assisted shaver or safety razors when shaving
  • Soften the skin with lukewarm soapy water before using shaving cream
  • Shampoo your hair regularly as clean hair does not collects sebum and skin residue
  • Skip excessive sun exposure, as it can make the skin to produce more sebum
  • Avoid anxiety to curb the production of hormone cortisol and adrenaline, which aggrandize acne.
  • Avoid humid climate or keep the skin dry as far as possible

Why see a Dermatologist?

Do not shy away to see a dermatologist. For accurate diagnosis and treatment plan that will help treating severe acne, cleanse your skin & can take care of Acne Scars as well, you can visit DermaWorld Delhi & consult with renowned Dermatologist, Dr. Rohit Batra.

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