A cyst is an unusual Bulging, Bag-like structure, generally brimmed with fluids that may be either liquid, air, gaseous or semisolid substances. However, Bag filled with pus, is medically considered an abscess, not a cyst.
Cyst are usually noncancerous and has an outer wall which is not normal, called capsule and can occur within just about any type of the body’s tissue thus can occur anywhere on the body. The size varies from nanoscopic to huge structures that can oust normal body structures or internal organs.
Cysts are often painless unless they burst, become infected, or exacerbated. That said, Breast cysts are usually painful and may be noticeable during a breast biopsy.
The risks involved with development of cyst sizably depend on the underlying cause. Most cysts are benign and can arise on any part of the body and in people of any age and from ethnic backgrounds.
Whereas, some cysts can turn into tumor— these can conceivably be malignant.
Examples of malignant cyst include dermoid and keratocysts cyst. Hereditary, infections, tumors, deficiency in developing organs, and any deterrence to the flow of fluid or other materials are risk elements for cyst development.
Other prevalent common causes of cysts include:
A large number of small cysts have no clear signs or symptoms. Though, occasionally the cysts can be felt as a lump in the skin or under the skin tissues.
Cysts are not related with the skin but with internal organs and thus may not display any symptoms if they are small.
However, If the cysts grows big or squeeze other organs or obstruct normal flow of fluids in tissues like the liver, bladder, kidney, ovary, breast, pancreas, vagina, thyroid gland or skin, then pain or pressure associated to those organs may develop.
Other signs and symptoms may include:
Certain types of cysts also have particular nominations and nomenclature. Examples of these include:
Though, there are various other types of cysts that develop. These include the most common cystic formation.
Exams and Tests Health Care Professionals suggest to analyze Cysts includes imaging studies. Specifically, cysts of internal organs and glands such as the liver, bladder, kidney or thyroid tissues may not be discovered by the affected individual.
These cysts are commonly first detected by imaging studies (CT scan, ultrasound, X-ray, MRI or computerized tomography).
If you’re bothered with any strange, unexplained lump or sore, consult your doctor. A healthcare provider can recommend befitting diagnostic tests to identify the cause of the cyst.
When cysts coexist with chronic clinical conditions (for example, in PCOD or fibrocystic breast disease), or infection, the treatment is commanded toward the underlying condition further depending upon the location, size, and cause that caused the development of cyst.
Small cysts that do not produce symptoms may not need medical care of any type.
Occasionally cysts are ejected out using a syringe and needle in a sterilized procedure. Surgical removal may be required for very large cysts or when there is a possibility of cancer in a cyst.
Watchful waiting generally involves keeping into supervision of symptoms (pelvic pain or pressure) and repeating the pelvic imaging at regular intervals of after 1-2months. If the cyst does not grow and resolves during the watchful waiting period, it does not need any surgical removal. Some premenopausal women will be prescribed with birth control pill during this period to prevent formation of new ovarian cysts.
Cysts that are sizeable generally need to be removed surgically. Sometimes the fluid contained within a cyst can be cleared off, or suctioned, by shoving into a syringe or stent into the cyst cavity, resulting in crumpling of the cyst.
Imaging such as CT scan or ultrasound may be used for counsel in ejecting out cyst contents.
If a cyst is suspected to be cancerous, the cyst may be drained out by surgery, or a biopsy is conducted of the capsule (cyst wall) to rule out malignancy.
Depending upon the location and size of the cyst, surgical procedure may be carried in a doctor’s operating office, outpatient surgery center. Laparoscopic surgery can be a prospective in many conditions.
In certain cases, aspirated fluid from a cyst is assessed under a microscope to identify if there is any existence of cancer cells.
Surgery may be recommended under the following situations:
Ovarian cysts do not always necessitate treatment. In premenopausal women, ovarian cysts usually dismantle and dissolve on their own within a few months, without treatment.
However, in postmenopausal women, ovarian cysts are untoward to resolve and may require immediate medical care to avert surgery.
Surgery to draw off ovarian cyst is required to remove an ovarian cyst. The procedure is generally carried out in a hospital or surgical center. Whether the surgery implicates removing only the cyst or whole of the ovary depends upon what is detected during the imaging and age.
The common surgical process of cyst removal in ovary includes Oophorectomy and ovarian cystectomy mainly for dilation of solid tumor from ovary and preservation of ovary tissue for ovarian function respectively.
People struggling with whether small or large cyst must not attempt to collapse or crumple a cyst themselves.
Snapping or squeezing a cyst can be harmful. A health care professional can guide on the appropriate attention and medication, if necessary, for a cyst.
It is unfortunately not Possible to Prevent Cysts most types of cysts. Additionally, the prognosis of a cyst (any type) is directly dependent upon the cause of the cyst. Most Simple and small cysts that arise due to obsolete or obstruction in the flow of body fluids may recur, or new cysts may occur at other locations.
Cysts may be effectively treated by primary-healthcare doctors, including physicians.
Dermatologists and specialized skin specialists can treat the cyst favorably and suggest proper imaging studies to determine its actual cause and type.
When drainage or surgical removal is required, a hand surgeon may be relevant. Other types of specialists that may treat cyst can include obstetrician-gynecologists or orthopedic surgeons.
For proper understanding of the condition, cause and diagnosis of cyst, visit DermaWorld, Delhi.